School holidays are here! And our family decided to go to Changi to see the new waterfall (at Terminal 2, not 3!) and also the Candy Carnival which is at Changi Terminal 3. You can read all about the event at the official website here. It is opened from noon to 10pm daily.
I have been to the previous year’s carnival and I recall it was at basement 2, so we went there first. It is definitely not cheap, costing about a dollar per coin, and you will usually need 4 coins per carnival game. You will get additional coins the more you pay, e.g. we paid S$50 and we got 55 coins instead of 50 coins, and also they provided us with a complimentary train ride ticket on top of that.
Some stalls also allow you to play additional games if you play more, e.g. for the ring throwing game below, you get to play one more game if you already paid for 3.

The more you throw, the more likely you can get one that goes in, isn’t it? One way of seeing which stalls are easier is by the score sheet that the game masters use. After each game, they will record down the result of the player. If the player won 3 tickets, they will write down 3, if they won none, they will write down 0. For the ring throwing game, clearly, there is a lot of zeros!
There is also the roll a ball game, and you will need to land the ball at one of the holes near the end. This is of course easier than the previous game as the chance is way higher! However, the rewards are also lower.

Some games you are better off avoiding! For example the next shooting game. The ball is tiny and does not fly in a steady direction, and you need to hit those thin stripes below the soft toy. It is very tough! And it cost 5 coins per game!!

Now level 1 was way larger than basement!

There are also food stalls here within and outside as well!

While there is a train ride (literally the train moves off track) in basement 2, there is also another train ride that runs for about a minute and a half in level 1. Each ticket costs 4 coins. Do note that your kid needs to be below 1.4m to take this ride!

We didn’t had time to play all the games and will definitely come back (and finish all the coins) but this game that we played was definitely one of those that can earn points more easily. You gain points (and then coupons) based on the colour of the duck you fish up using the magnet on your fishing rod! This had the longest queue when we were there so it must be one of the easiest games!

Oh, did I forget to mention how many coupons to redeem prizes? Its 3 coupons for a stationery, 12-20 (or 30) coupons for soft toys! Good luck!