My kids read a bunch of books, and one of them is the Plants vs Zombies Questions and Answers comics book. Unlike most children comic books, the PvZ one actually contains some facts so your child will get to learn interesting stuff in a fun way!
The Plants vs Zombies Q&A comic books is a series of books that contain a bunch of different topics. This is a sample list:
- Agriculture & Ecology
- Amphibians
- Archaeology
- Astronomy
- Computers & Networks
- Disasters & Precautions
- Energy & Environment
- Forests & Lakes
- Fun Experiments
- Future Technology
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Human Brain
- Mathematics
- Medicine & Disease
- Polar Regions & Glaciers
- Prehistoric Creatures
- Rare Animals
- Sport & Exercise
- Unique Delicacies
- Weather & Climate
- World Heritage

You can get the books online and they are priced below S$10 each on shopee.