
How to install Chinese text to speech

Ivan Ivan Follow Dec 14, 2022 · 1 min read
How to install Chinese text to speech
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Realised that the Chinese spelling test app that I wrote recently does not work on some browsers like Samsung as its default text to speech doesn’t include Chinese. Here is a guide to install Chinese text to speech. Follow the screenshots to install it!

Step 1: Search for ‘text to speech’ in settings
Step 1 to install Chinese text to speech

Step 2: Click on “Text-to-speech”
Step 2 to install Chinese text to speech

Step 3: Click on the engine settings
Step 3 to install Chinese text to speech

Step 4: Install the voice data
Step 4 to install Chinese text to speech

Step 5 (finish): Choose a Chinese voice data to install
Step 5 to install Chinese text to speech

There you have it! Hope it was helpful!

Written by Ivan Follow
Hi, I am Ivan, the author of theAsianDad. I hope you like it!