
How to order from Grabfood Thailand

Ivan Ivan Follow Dec 11, 2022 · 1 min read
How to order from Grabfood Thailand
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Went to Phuket recently and found that Grabfood Thailand has a lot of food options with cheap delivery fees at around 50 cents SGD. It is hence a very useful option to get your meals. However, some of the shops do not use English words so this is a quick post to teach you how to translate some of the Thai words.

Step 1: Open the Grab app and click on Food Step 1 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Step 2: Look at the pics and find something you like Step 2 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Step 3: Take a screen shot of the items you want to translate Step 3 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Step 4: Open the google image app on your phone and click on your image
Step 4 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Step 5: Click on the translate word at the bottom left
Step 5 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Step 6 (Finish): See the translated texts!
Step 6 to order from Grabfood Thailand

Now what happens when the food arrive? Time to identify what is what, but this time by taking a photo and doing Google translate thereafter!

Finding out what is what
More difficult to handle words in real life but it is still possible!

There you have it! Hope it was helpful!

Written by Ivan Follow
Hi, I am Ivan, the author of theAsianDad. I hope you like it!